9. Error Queue Definition and Accounting Referral Queue

This chapter contains the following section:

9.1 Maintaining Error Queue

The ‘Error Queue Access Control Definition’ screen enables you to define access levels required to authorize the transactions for BANCONTROL or any other required queue. You can post or reject the transaction based on the decision taken by the user in the ‘Referral Queue’ screen.

The levels of authorization should decide on the number of approvers required to approve a transaction for a BANCONTROL/DORMANT Queue.

You can access this ‘Error Queue Access Control Definition’ screen by typing ‘STDEQACD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. The screen appears as shown below.:

Specify the following details.

Branch Code

Specify the branch code or type *.* for all branches. Alternatively, you can select the branch code from the option list. The list displays all valid branch codes maintained in the system.

Branch Description

The system automatically displays the branch description upon the selection of the branch code.

Source Code

Specify the source code of the transaction. Alternatively, you can select the source code from the option list. The list displays all valid source codes maintained in the system.

Follow Sequence

Check this box to indicate that the sequence of levels should be followed for authorization.

System displays the following details pertaining to the fetched records:

Error Code

Specify the Error Code for which the record has to be populated into referral queue. Alternatively, you can select the error code from the list.


This field displays the details of the error message.

Level of Authorization

Specify the levels of approval required in the referral queue.

Queue Name

Specify the name of referral queue record.

Level 1

Specify the role of the first level user who can approve the record. Alternatively, you can select the role from the list.

Level 2

Specify the role of the second level user who can approve the record. Alternatively, you can select the role from the list.

Level 3

Specify the role of the third level user who can approve the record. Alternatively, you can select the role from the list.

Level 4

Specify the role of the fourth level user who can approve the record. Alternatively, you can select the role from the list.

This section contains the following subsection:

9.1.1 Error Code List

Below table lists the error codes and their corresponding error messages

Error Code

Error Message


Available Amount for Account $1 after this Entry is $2, Total Available Amount is $3


Available Amount for Account $1 after this Entry is $2, Total Available Amount is $3


Available Balance $2 for $1 is lesser than the Min balance $3 for the Account Class


The Debit Interest Due for Account $1 is $2. Continue?


Account $1 set for closure do you wish to still process?


Account $1 is bancontrol


Available Amount for Account $1 after this Entry is $2, Total Available Amount is $3


Available Amount for Account $1 after this Entry is $2, Total Available Amount is $3


Available Amount for Account $1 after this Entry is $2, Total Available Amount is $3


$1 transaction is not allowed for account $2 for product $3


$1 Transaction is not allowed for account $2 for Transaction code $3


Account $1 Dormant


Account $1 Closed Posting to deferred


The Account Opening Date $1 Of The Account $2 Is Greater Than The Value Date $3 Of The Transaction.


Customer is Frozen


Customer Whereabouts are unknown.


Customer is deceased


Transaction results in utilization of Daylight OD Limit


Transaction results in utilization of Account OD Limit


Transaction results in utilization of Sweep Eligible Balance


Transaction results in utilization of AUF Limit


Transaction results in utilization of TOD Limit


Transaction results in overline utilization


Account Class Transfer Initiated for Account $1 in Debit Balance


Both 'Default Deposit Rate' and 'Rate Code/Value' are given for Term Deposits.


Customer Aggregation Initiated for Account $1 in Debit Balance


The Automatic Overdraft facility is applicable only to Individual type customers


The Automatic Overdraft facility is allowed only for local currency accounts


Entered rate outside acceptable range for interest rate


Line $1 - Amount exceeds line limit. Limit = $3 $2. Utilization = $4 $2. Overdraft = $5 $2 %Overdraft = $6

Supported modules for Error Queue are LC,BC,SI,DE and FX.

Initial funding has to be handled operationally in STDCIF,STDCUSAC,STDCASAC & IADCUSAC screens, since accounting entries are posting while authorization.

9.2 Viewing Accounting Referral Queue

You can view the summary of accounting referral records in the ‘Accounting Referral Queue’ screen. This screen displays the status of the records maintained such as authorized, unauthorized or rejected. Records will be displayed for a given source depending on the error queue (BANCONTROL/DORMANT) selected.

The records will be displayed based on the logged-in users role. If you do not have the required role then the records will not be displayed. If there are multiple errors for an account, then all those entries should be populated in this screen for authorization or rejection.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDTREFQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button..

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and fetch records:

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and displays the following details for each one of them:

You can click Confirm button to authorize a single record. And you can click Authorize All button to authorize all records.